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Health Guidelines

Looking Forward To Seeing You!

We all recognize the extraordinary circumstances that surround us, but more importantly we remain confident of the stronghold we have in the Lord. At Academic Community Enrichment our commitment to one another still stands: to rely fully on God, to trust one another in mutual love in Jesus Christ, and to work diligently for the sake of those we serve. As we prepare for a return to campus classes in the fall of 2021, we will need the cooperation of all our families, teachers and staff to minimize the risk presented by the Coronavirus. As we remain committed to you, we ask that you carefully read these safety guidelines to understand our focus. We look forward to seeing you back on campus!

On-campus engagement is our priority plan. ACE Administration will continue monitoring campus safety, guidelines, and partnership between ACE, our families, and First Baptist Church of Mims throughout the year.

Our Commitment To You

Campus Facility
  • Facility is cleaned prior to student arrival; adequate additional cleaning supplies are available. Cleaning protocols will be enhanced throughout the day.

  • Facility limitations make 6-foot social distancing infeasible in our classrooms, hallways, lunchroom, and other areas on the campus.

  • It is possible that situations outside our control, may cause class delivery methods to change, but our commitment to excellence will not change. 

Health Screenings
  • Anyone (whether student or staff) with a temperature over 100.4 or exhibiting symptoms* of COVID-19 or any other illness is required to stay home along with other members of the family, or, if already on campus, to be isolated and leave campus as quickly as possible. On campus temperature checks will be conducted until further notice. 

  • Please communicate any extreme illness or lice to ACE Administration.

Providing For Personal Protection
  • Students may leave with parents anytime they are not in class. Please sign in and out.

  • ACE will not be mandating mask wearing. However, any member of staff, parents, or students are welcome to wear a mask, as has always been protocol.

  • Masks will not be provided.

Your Partnership With Us

Campus Facility
  • Please instruct students on proper hand-washing and other measures.

  • Utilize available options for lunch arrangements (either outdoor or escorted by parent off campus) to mitigate limitations related to our facility and environments. 

Health Screenings
  • Conduct temperature checks prior to sending your student to school if they are not feeling well; if anyone has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or over, please keep all children at home for the day and communicate the situation to ACE Administration.

  • Have students stay home whenever anyone is feeling ill for any reason until symptoms have cleared for 24 hours. 

  • Parents, report any illness while on campus to ACE Administration.

Providing For Personal Protection If You Desire
  • Have students bring their own appropriate face coverings if desired. Any face coverings need to be appropriate for a school setting and washed after each use.  

  • Provide students with their own hand sanitizer. Sharing hand sanitizer is not recommended. Instruct students not to share food or other items. 

  • Please cough or sneeze only into your elbow or shirt sleeve and be mindful of others at all times.

  • Remind students to wash their hands often for 20 seconds. Good hand washing is the very best way to prevent the spread of disease.

Please be aware that any public location where people socialize, including our campus, presents an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other infectious illnesses. We cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed. 

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he [it is] that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. ~ Deuteronomy 31:6

These guidelines will be continually reviewed and are subject to change due to government mandates.

LATEST REVISION: August 10, 2020

* The CDC lists symptoms of COVID-19 as follows: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.  symptoms may appear 2-14 days after the virus. 

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